Wednesday, April 27, 2011

World's Gonna Burn

So, I made the mistake of flipping on the news today.  First I hear about Obama releasing his full birth certificate for public scrutiny.  Well I'm finally glad we can stop talking about...oh wait I forgot we live in Insan0world.  Now somehow this has made Donald Trump a bigger figure because he was the last person to shout about it on TV?  It's all for his sake and we should take him seriously as a candidate?  Are you shitting me, CNN?  Are you dumb or evil?  Or both?

Well, that's not what really made me rage.  It was this little lady right here, Dalia Dippolito, and her insane defense in her trial for murder-for-hire.

There's a very comprehensive article-6 pages- here.  But basically a year and a half ago she decided that she was done with her husband.  Obviously the answer was to have him killed because the guy she's in lo-I mean using- is not exactly Ward Cleaver.  The guy is apparently a druggie, roid head "person of Italian heritage," con man, and money launderer.  So just think of a character from GTA.  She had tried poisoning him with anti-freeze but wasn't happy with the results.  She asked one of the men she was having an affair with to help her hire a hit man.  This upstanding citizen went to police and they did one of their undercover investigations with cameras, a fake hit man, tons of carefully collected evidence, and even a fake crime scene.

In recorded conversations, Dalia admits she is just tired of the guy.  She doesn't claim to be afraid of him, she calls him a sweet nerd.  He even forgave her for losing $200,000 of his money.  Her concern was his mafia friends who might make her life difficult after a divorce, but part of her plan was to claim they were the ones behind his death.   "I'm gonna throw all their fucking names in, and I don't care," she said.  Evidently she wasn't scared about implicating them....

During her interrogations she cried constantly, trying to charm her way out of trouble.  She used sex as a tool to manipulate people into doing her dirty work.  The woman clearly has some kind of personality disorder.  I can't help but feel that she was able to manipulate some sympathy because for a year she was only under house arrest with her mother while awaiting trial.  I'm not so sure that a man, or a poor woman, would be allowed such a luxury.

All of that is crazy, but the real insanity begins with the trial.  There was a mutual gag order on the investigation.  Neither of the couple could discuss details, and the state was tight lipped as well.  So now it's finally going to court where details are public record.  Dalia is claiming that the whole thing...IS A GAG FOR A REALITY TV SHOW....Yes, it was all just the husband's idea.  "It was a stunt that Michael Dippolito, whether he'll admit it or not, hoped to capture the attention of someone in reality TV," one of her lawyers said.  Here's a clip of her being informed by police that her husband is dead.  This is one of many pieces of evidence that the jury will see.  You judge for yourself.

Frankly this defense is bizarre, but she has two lawyers who over a year and a half had the time to come up with something and this is what they got.  It's reminiscent of the twinkie defense, which didn't work.  So, hopefully this woman will be rightly convicted and sent away for an appropriate time.  Sadly the maximum sentence is only 25 years.  That seems way too little.

The legal expert on TV was worried this defense might resonate with some jurors.  Have we really come to that?  Has art destroyed life instead, not content with imitation.  We've gone and created "art" that is an imitation of life that is an imitation of life that we want to live every grow up dreaming of being a reality TV star.  People want to be famous for being famous, and it sometimes even works...and this woman's using it to her advantage.

But what do I know? I talk like a fag and my shit's all retarded, right doc?


  1. Has Donald Trump ever produced his Birth Certificate?

  2. What I like about Trump is that he doesn't fuck around, and what he says doesn't sound scripted or rehearsed. As president, I don't know. But how's that for "change"? :P

  3. New reality show: Contest winners get to throw rocks at this woman and Trump.

  4. You said it - it's a mistake to flip on the news these days. What passes as news these days is just drivel!

  5. what a total wench. I'm curious how she "lost" over $200,000 also. If someone did that with my money I'D be the one calling a hitman on them.

  6. god, that overdramatic fake crying, lol

  7. That's a pretty ridiculous defense.

  8. I don't think that even qualifies as a defense

  9. This whole thing about the birth certificate pisses me off... WHY DO YOU CARE PEOPLE!!??

  10. I kind of phased out watching the clip. Who is that going to help in the trial? Doesn't seem like anything to or against the defense.
    Anyway, how cool would it be to be the undercover pretending to be a hitman?

  11. Dippolito is hot.

  12. If you watch too much news, you will end up depressed, that is for sure.

  13. >She used sex as a tool to manipulate people into doing her dirty work

  14. Society itself is a failure if the news is filled with controversy about a damn birth certificate.

  15. I doubt trump will win or even be the in the top 3 republican candidates. People just cant take a public figure like that seriously.

  16. I cant even watch the news anymore.

  17. so glad i am not american... oh wait, we have worse bs flying.

  18. Donald Trump is proof that politics aren't being taken seriously anymore.

  19. 200 dead in storms in the US, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and the main news is over a damn birth certificate? Do they really think he'd have gotten so far without the right documents?

  20. Trump is a funny man..First he made joke of the year that he is contesting for Prsidental candidate and next joke of the year to having won by making Obama publicise his birth certifcates...
    CNN is funny too...
    Dont we have serious working NEWS channel or proper candidate for Presidency??

  21. ugh so she couldnt just divorce him ? i guess that was too hard for her
    please check my blog out

  22. well he showed it to the world :')

  23. I don't believe what the world has come up to. Its totally insane...

  24. Great post and a great blog. Ill be back.

  25. This whole birther thing was a big waste of time

  26. Some people are just plain crazy!

  27. I hope she repents
    and doesnt take the
    dive offa the deep
    end with no water, bro
    (-Jimmy Hoffa RIP -
    Im definitely related).
    We cannot be bystanders here.
    We must pray, pray, pray
    for ourselves N her.
    Make Your Choice -SAW
