Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Haha, Oh Wow.

I was just browsing through my groups and looking for stuff to do this week and saw a discussion in the Center For Inquiry DC that looking interesting.  That's where I found this:

Evidently it was from a presentation by Sam Harris and possibly part of his new bookd The Moral Landscape. I know it's hard to read, so here is a full pdf of it with tons more info if you care to look.  I think the image makes a striking statement that many of us already knew, but to SEE it hammers home the point.


  1. I can't say I'm surprised by the amount of contradictions within the bible.

  2. Not sure if this happens for anyone else - maybe just my slow connection/computer - but the PDF graph loads slow, so you can sort of watch the image be "built", layer by layer; incredible infograph.

  3. Neat image, and furthers proof for my side of the argument.

  4. thanks for the pdf man. will read it this weekend.

  5. another guy just trying to make money off the bible

  6. it's a pretty image. but without words, it's pretty much meaningless to me.

  7. thats awesome haha

    check out my livetv blog, apprentice UK tonight 9pm GMT

  8. Holy crap, might as well be a filled-in red semicircle.

  9. But anything is possible with the power of Christ... even contradictions.

  10. I never knew about this website.
    I looked where I am and there's almost no group meetups.
    I was looking forward to meeting weird people on the internet.
    I guess that's what I get for living in the middle of nowhere.

  11. This makes no difference whatsoever since the fanatics will simply disregard this and keep doing what they were doing, those who doubt always leaned towards the antichristian.
    I personally don't give a fuck about religious debates, in the end it's all a massive troll anyway

  12. That's a very red graph!

  13. That's such an awesome picture.

  14. I don't understand what does the picture represent nor do I understand why would someone waste time on it.

  15. Gets a great reaction out of people, but no one ever looks at them. Some of these are just dumb and not contradictions at all.
