Friday, April 29, 2011

Stop Calling Me A "Fag"

It's kind of funny how my mind works, I started to write a post about how people cannot argue/debate for shit, especially today.  And then I started thinking about the quintessential Internet "showstopper,"  the word fag.  Well, I decided that my ideas that came from that were more important to get down immediately.  Random video displacement teaser editing nonsense.

I swear, if someone calls me a fag again on the Internet, I'm going to hold him down and make sweet love to hi...  Oh, wait...that's not it.  Right, I meant I'd take a crowbar and beat him soundly about the everywhere (at least in my head).  I mean, I get that it's mostly people who are dumb/lazy and think that it will somehow silence others in their oh-so-important capslock shouting match over a youtube video.  I don't begrudge that usage because I can't do much about it-even if it's an insidious logical fallacy that will someday destroy modern society. But more about this later.

No, my problem is people who call me "a fag" for being nice/moral/ethical/polite/considerate/a mature citizen of the world-even online.  To the former and latter groups, I would like to respond in the manner most befitting your kind: a short, simple, easy-to-understand clip from an item of popular culture (if SP didn't work).

But, "fag," really?  I think we all know how gays act, I mean come oooo~oooon Bravo is basic cable, honey, jeez *sassy eyeroll and heavy sigh with headsway*. Have you not seen TV and movies and magazines and awards shows and reality TV and and and.....?  Homosexuals are catty, vicious creatures whose main skills revolve around making crude sexual jokes, relating things to sexual acts, designing dresses for Tyra Banks, crying, and insulting the appearance of others, girlfriend.  Would the magical glowing box that tells me what to eat and where to shop lie to me?
No, seriously.  They're not wearing shirts because they laid them down so the old ladies they were helping across the street wouldn't step in any puddles.

So, why "fag?"  Well it's still pretty socially acceptable to use-and on the internet most people seem pretty fearless- as well as it can make sense in most contexts.  But in the end, I really just don't get it.  No one ever wants to explain just how I am a fag for not thinking I have the right to hurt other people or steal or abuse the social contract or because I don't want to do the drugs they do?
I know it's because they really have no real point, no good basis for it.  It doesn't really hurt my feelings too much, because I know I'm not homosex, but I am a pretty sensitive guy and it makes me wonder what is so wrong with me that you feel the need to use such powerfully hateful words to describe me when I say "well I don't think you have the right to break into someone's house and steal their possessions."  Or when I say "Well, I don't really like the feeling of being high, I'd rather just go to the gym than smoke pot."  What is it about these phrases that inspires you to pull out the big guns?  To the point where in the past people cave called me this to my face.  It doesn't happen so much now that I am around people who are in their late 20s and up like me, but it's left a mark.

Now, I know there's more, colloquial definitions but those are typically of a person who is incredibly annoying (just look at the example of the South Park episode referenced above).  I really just try to avoid using it for any occasion.  I know quite a few gay and transgender people who suffer attacks from the casually cruel to outright malicious.  One of my favorite teachers in high school was related (cousin, as I recall) to Matthew Shepard.  Once, a student just casually called another kid in class-and this is a seminar where we're usually saying some pretty crazy things-a "fag."  The teacher didn't freak out, but he spoke with such passion and intensity when he said, "Don't ever use that word around me." I guess it's just different when you have a strong emotional connection to a word that people like to toss around.  I don't know if there's much more I can say on the subject without getting more depressed about it.

It's just such a useless thing, because deep down we're all a little gay.  Right Ron?

"A good man does the right thing, a great man does the right thing even when no one is looking."


  1. fag is easy to say, doesnt even feel like an insult anymore

  2. I don't like calling people fag, I prefer homo...
    kidding, I actually prefer douche bag, because we can all agree that feminine hygiene devices are gross.

  3. People need to be more creative with their insults, it's getting boring lol

  4. Call them lilly-livered lint lickers.

  5. haha, absolutely right on both the useless homophobia AND the 420/stoner crap.

  6. Fag is a short yet full of content word but being so easy to use has taken much of the meaning, now almost everyone can be called a fag

  7. Eh, the word fag is becoming less of a denigrating term for homosexuals, and more of a generally harsh pejorative.

  8. >Eh, the word fag is becoming less of a denigrating term for homosexuals, and more of a generally harsh pejorative.

    Pretty much this, although I wouldn't even say it's very harsh. "-fag" as a suffix isn't even meant to be insulting in some situations. I barely even associate the word with homosexuality any more.

  9. Sticks n stones can break your bones but etc.

  10. South Park did a pretty good episode on this and went through the history of the word

  11. I don't even bother going on youtube because there's always stupid arguments between people who don't know how to properly convey their point and just ignore everything the other person said.

    That said, people do like just throwing mud around instead of actually making their point. Sometimes they do actually make their point and feel like throwing mud anyway just because they're angry.

  12. I use fag, but that's because I've got a naturally dirty mouth.

    Although whenever I see someone else use the word, I tend to automatically disregard their opinions. Hypocritical, I guess. Anyway, don't let it get to you. Chances are, that's the best they could insult you with anyway.

  13. I think fag somewhat lost its meaning... everyone calls everyone a fag nowadays... It isn't that insulting anymore, though it still doesn't show that much of your intelligence... :/

  14. people don't really think about it when they use the word fag because it's just become a common word to use if something is dumb. soooo... it doesn't mean much anymore.
